General Assembly 2024

Parish hall of the catholic parish St.Peter and Paul Laboratory Street 5, Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland

19th General Assembly of the Gentiana Schools Association, Nairobi Dear members of the association Gentiana Schools Nairobi We cordially invite you to the 19th General Assembly of the Association of Gentiana Schools Nairobi. The meeting will be held in the parish hall of the Catholic parish of St. Peter and Paul in Winterthur. To our delight, Peter Baumgartner will be there. The actual meeting begins at 18:15. Beforehand, we cordially invite you to an aperitif and a pleasant get-together with discussions from 17.00h. Date: Monday, March 4, 2024 Location: Pfarreiheim der kath. Pfarrei St.Peter und [...]

General Assembly 2025

Parish hall of the catholic parish St.Peter and Paul Laboratory Street 5, Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland

20th General Assembly of the Gentiana Schools Association, Nairobi Dear members of the association Gentiana Schools Nairobi We cordially invite you to the 20th General Assembly of the Gentiana Schools Nairobi Association. The meeting will be held in the parish hall of the Catholic parish of St. Peter and Paul in Winterthur. To our delight, Peter Baumgartner will be there. The actual meeting begins at 18:15. Beforehand, we cordially invite you to an aperitif and a pleasant get-together with discussions from 17.00h. Date: Monday, February 10, 2025 Location: Pfarreiheim der kath. Pfarrei St.Peter und Paul [...]

Contact of the board of directors

Gentiana Schools Nairobi
Bruno Bollhalder
Muren 645
Postfach 39
9657 Unterwasser
Mobile: +41 79 825 81 55
Website: Gentiana Schools


Gentiana Schools Nairobi
Sonnenbergstrasse 19
CH-9100 Herisau

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